This granite plug was considered to be the finest source of material for the manufacture of curling stones used in the roaring game. Since it is now a bird sanctuary, I don't believe the stone is quarried from there any more. [I've been wrong before and I'll probably be wrong again!]
On a very clear day, you can in fact see the coast of Northern Ireland from here, but only as a dim and distant smudge on the horizon. At the right season you'll see seals sunning themselves on the rocks at the foot of the cliff and there are always sea birds to be seen.
Do you think the birds would miss the odd bit of stone here and there?
Firstly, you seem to be getting rather good weather in Ayrshire! I am growing rather jealous.
Secondly, welcome to the world of blogging! I look forward to your pics, rants, stories and general blogging banter. I hope you find it as useful as the rest of us!
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