Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I visited the East Coast yesterday as promised (it took longer because of traffic problems), but we got a goodly collection of bird sightings in cold clear sunny weather. This picture is from Aberlady Bay where we went, towards sunset, to see the over-wintering geese arriving back from their grazing areas to roost. They mainly consist of Pink-footed geese, but we did spot three Barnacle Geese amongst them. Earlier we had also seen four Brent Geese as well as a couple of Little Gulls.

The one thing that you can't get from photographs is the sheer volume of noise as the geese flock in, skein after skein. As it got progressively darker so more and more arrived and the volume kept going up.


Katya said...

I so love seeing geese. As they migrate, they are rather fascinating. I remember going out late one cold October night a few years back. It was brisk enough to have the woodstove burning. It was around midnight, and so very, very still. As I walked along, I suddenly heard that familar "honking" sound. I was surprised they were flying at night, but in thinking about it, if we had built in GPS, I guess we could travel carefree, as well!

I am so naughty. I was looking at the hyperlinks to the various geese, and playing their "voices". Poor Murphy, who was resting under the bed, came out and cocked his head...WHAT was that??? He isn't a hunter. THAT is reserved for Angus. Good thing he was downstairs. Otherwise, my laptop might well have been disassembled!

It must have been so beautiful seeing all the birds. I do indeed know what you mean about the sound. It is so amazing to watch them...hear them...observe them.
When I consider all the beauty God has placed about us, for our good pleasure, I am in awe.

An Honest Man said...

Not just our pleasure, but our responsibility as well.