Monday, December 31, 2007

Winter - 2

Another grey miserable day, so no current photograph again, however here is another taken in 2002. This is of Buachaille Etive More, Glencoe.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Since the weather has been pretty miserable here of late, I resurrected one from 2002. It is of Ben Nevis (or Beinn Nibheis in the Gaelic {unless you can manipulate pdf files you really need to print this link}).

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside - 3

This photograph is included because I like Pied Wagtails. They are such perky little birds and never stop moving about.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside - 2

Since Sorlil is happier with birds than dogs, here are three for the price of one. You've got, from left to right, starling, black-headed gull and a herring gull.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

No matter how cold, dogs just seem to love playing in and around the sea. Rather them than me at present.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day Blues

Blue becase that was the colour of my hands!

Today has been fairly yukky - overcast, windy, cold and trying to rain. I did brave the climatic conditions on Ayr Esplanade to get a photograph of a black-headed gull. I know it doesn't have black head, but it will when it comes to the breeding season. They are a very elegant small gull - noisy, but elegant.

This shot is of one trying to fly past into the teeth of a gale.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas bird 02

and I am talking about the Turkey this time!

Merry Christmas everyone, and a peaceful and healthy New Year to follow.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas bird .....

.... and I'm not talking about the Turkey.

This little fellow has decorated our Christmas Tree for a few years now. It wouldn't be the same without him, even if he is a bit the worse for wear now.

To those who are already on Christmas Day and to those (like me) still awaiting its coming, best wishes for a peaceful and healthy year to come.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Lights

Having been less than polite yesterday of someone else's decorations, I thought I'd let you see the only decoration I have - inside the house; nothing outside. That is apart from the Christmas (or should that read Xmas) cards hanging on strips down the wall. I'm saying Xmas since there are virtually no religious cards this year.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Scrooge-like tendencies...

Excuse the blurring on these photos, but it was a cold night with a bitter wind; I was sitting in my car with the window down but with the engine running; I was using the big camera with a fairly high magnification!

I don't know if I'm being curmudgeonly or not, but for a private residence I find this 'show' excessive. Although, at least, it is not in glorious technicolour. Possibly the owner thinks Christ was a space traveller and is trying to provide landing lights for the next spacecraft! I don't think this has anything to do with Christmas, only with one-upmanship.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Full many a ..........

I'll leave you to complete the quote! It's not completely apposite, since it is in our garden and not a desert, but it's too cold to smell if there is any fragrance being wasted. I actually thought I'd got rid of this plant, but it won't give up so I've let it be.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I love birds too ....

..... but in a different way to you!

If you still haven't found me ........

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Last birds...

....... for now anyway! This is one of the blue tits which also frequent the feeder.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Long-tailed tits

Long-tailed Tits are infrequent visitors to our feeders, but when they come, they tend to come mob-handed and block out all the other birds. I don't mind, they are beautiful birds.

Ignore the Chaffinch at the water!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Bird again

I don't know if it's true, but the Collared Doves look decidedly stupid.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

More birds

I left the camera set up at the upstairs window and got some more photographs; in this case of a Greenfinch feeding away. No other bird can dislodge one when it starts feeding.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A bird in the hand ....

.... or in this case rather more than two in the bush! This tree is a favourite resting place for the Chaffinches before and after eating from the feeder.

Friday, December 14, 2007

More from Cowal

A final set of photos from my trip to Dunoon, taken on the way back home the following day.

The weather was much clearer and sharper over the Cowal Peninsula.

Just in case you thought we were on a big ferry, the Western Ferries over the Clyde are small vessels in comparison to most of the CalMac Ferries and are much smaller than the ferry we took from Hull to Zeebrugge.

A photograph of the town of Dunoon in the sunshine.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holy Trinity Dunoon

Thought I should show you a picture of the inside of Holy T. just after the service was completed.

We were all at the back enjoying Mince Pies and Mulled Wine {The links are for those who may not be conversant with U.K. Traditions}

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Last Sunday we sailed over to Dunoon to join my Sister-in-Law at an advent service in the church she attends. These hills lie to the North and, although they may not be up to the standard of some parts of the world, they are showing the first real signs that winter is upon us - about time to!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Final Birding

The last birding photograph is of Barnacle Geese flying over one of the hides at Caerlaverock. Unfortunately I can't pay you the noise they made!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Scottish Borders

Still from my birding holiday, today's photograph was taken from a wood in the Scottish Borders looking towards the Eildon Hills.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


This is the footbridge over the burn leading into Aberlady Bay.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Another photograph from Aberlady Bay, this time over the Firth of Forth looking at a boat sailing up to, I think, Grangemouth Refinery.

Friday, December 07, 2007


Since this was a birding holiday, I thought I'd also post a bird photograph. This is one of the pink-footed geese overflying us at Aberlady Bay as headed towards the Firth of Forth to roost, on the water, for the night.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Edinburgh Castle and Calton Hill

Yet another picture from Aberlady Bay. This time looking slightly further north to the outline of Edinburgh Castle in the centre and Calton Hill to the right.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Arthur's Seat

Another photograph from Aberlady Bay, this time of Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Aberlady Sunset

This photograph was taken on the mainland on the East Coast of Scotland at Aberlady, East Lothian. We were there at sunset waiting for flocks of red-footed geese to come back from their foraging grounds to their roosting area.

Monday, December 03, 2007


This photograph was actually taken before those of yesterday and shows Black Guillemots swimming in the Harbour in Oban before we sailed to Mull.

Please don't ask why Black Guillemots seem to show a lot of white when swimming whilst ordinary Guillemots seem fairly black. I don't know.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Loch Na Keal

Today's photo is also from the Isle of Mull, this time looking over Loch Na Keal.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Away Day

There actually won't be many bird photographs from my Birding holiday because
1. I was there to look at and identify birds.
2. The birds were generally at some distance.
3. The weather conditions were far from ideal for photography a lot of the time.
4. I was mainly using the large lens hand-held, so there is a fair amount of blurring.

However, as a starter here is a picture of the Oban to Craignure ferry leaving Craignure just after it had dropped us off. We left our hotel that morning at 07.00 and returned just after 20.00 - exhausted, damp and happy.

Just over the headland in the front of this picture we watched a couple of otters playing in the sea.

One of the main species we were there to see was the White-tailed Eagle (Sea Eagle) and see them we did, albeit at a distance and with no movement on their part - not surprising since it was raining - so no photograph I'm afraid.