Saturday, December 01, 2007

Away Day

There actually won't be many bird photographs from my Birding holiday because
1. I was there to look at and identify birds.
2. The birds were generally at some distance.
3. The weather conditions were far from ideal for photography a lot of the time.
4. I was mainly using the large lens hand-held, so there is a fair amount of blurring.

However, as a starter here is a picture of the Oban to Craignure ferry leaving Craignure just after it had dropped us off. We left our hotel that morning at 07.00 and returned just after 20.00 - exhausted, damp and happy.

Just over the headland in the front of this picture we watched a couple of otters playing in the sea.

One of the main species we were there to see was the White-tailed Eagle (Sea Eagle) and see them we did, albeit at a distance and with no movement on their part - not surprising since it was raining - so no photograph I'm afraid.


Katya said...

Oh, it is such a disappointment when we cannot capture what we see through the lens of our cameras. But, memories etched in our minds are something that bring a sense of joy as we recall them!

The sea eagles sound wonderful!

Was this an "organized" trip with fellow birdwatchers? That would be so exciting to me...Mark likes to see birds, but doesn't share the "excitement" I do in seeing them.

Your photo of the ferry with the grasses in the foreground *quite* visible, and the ferry looking a little surrounded by fog, evokes a sense of beginning a great adventure at sea!

An Honest Man said...

Take a look at Wild Caledonia site for details of the company we went on holiday with.

The sea round about Mull is frequently misty - we don't call it a fog if we can see more than 20 yards!

If it was clearer you would see the mainland (well the back of beyond), away behind the boat.